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A member registered Jun 06, 2020

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As a German anti-fascist I endorse the theme of this game, but a bit more attention to detail would go a long way in making this sales pitch less embarrassing.

While having the supposed Weimar-era Nazi graffiti be a google-translated Trumpism is deeply cringeworthy, it's a choice, and it can definitely be argued for. Remembering means applying the lessons of the past, and as such a hint at the present isn't out of the question.
On the other hand, proudly proclaiming your fourth chapter is set on the night of the November Progrom, the "Reichspogromnacht", but then using and misspelling the euphemism "Kristallnacht" (a lot more than glass was broken that night) is a mistake at a very critical point that casts doubt on whether enough care was taken with researching the subject matter.